Application in breeding programs and variety evaluation

 WP leader: Pascal Flament (Limagrain Europe) & Sébastien Praud (Biogemma)
Partners involved: INRA UMR GQE, UMR GAEL, Arvalis, Maïsadour Semences, Euralis Semences, Limagrain Europe, Caussade Semences, Syngenta Seeds, KWS, RAGT 2n, GEVES


WP8 objectives is both to validate the results of other workpackages (mainly WP 3,4,5,6 and 7) in elite germplasm and to speed up the integration of potential results in industrial projects thus allowing a rapid delivery of improved varieties to the market or efficient methods for germplasm characterization. A specific part run by UMR GAEL is dedicated to address socioeconomic issues which could hinder the success of transferring the results in the industrial world.


  • Undertakes pilot experiments to evaluate internally application of deliverables of previous WPs (eg. marker based prediction formula from WP5, favorable alleles identified in WP5 and validated in WP6, etc.), with predefined feedback modalities to the program (eg. reliability of prediction, effect of allele introgression).
  • Conducts a social economical analysis of transfer and benefit sharing to anticipate possible blocking points.


D8.1: Validation and characteristics of association in Elite germplasm (M36)

D8.2: Validation and characteristics of GWS prediction in Elite germplasm (M36)

D8.3: Validation and Characteristics of any other predictive methods issued from WP3,4 (M24)

D8.4: Elite germplasm characterization for deliverable of WP3 (M36)

Since specific tools to identify structural polymorphisms and methylation profiles will be made available by WP3. It is expected that WP8 provides the project with general information on the occurrence of this features in Elite germplasm.

D8.5: Validation of behaviour of specific alleles discovered in WP5,6 in Elite Germplasm (M96)

D8.6 Evaluation of the risks of blockings and conflicts related to the use of components, biological materials and technologies such as developed within the framework of the project for marker assisted breeding programs. Advices and rules of valorization adapted to Marker assisted breeding projects (M96)