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Téléchargez la Newsletter 2018 !
Publications (Octobre 2021) :
- Genomic prediction of hybrid crops allows disentangling dominance and epistasis. Genetics (Mai 2021) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genetic diversity of maize landraces from the South-West of France. Plos One (Février 2021) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Maize metabolome and proteome responses to controlled cold stress partly mimic early‐sowing effects in the field and differ from those of Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment (Janvier 2021) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Identification of Key Tissue-Specific, Biological Processes by Integrating Enhancer Information in Maize Gene Regulatory Networks. Frontiers in Genetics (Janvier 2021) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Deciphering the Genetic Diversity of Landraces With High-Throughput SNP Genotyping of DNA Bulks: Methodology and Application to the Maize 50k Array. Frontiers in Plant Science (Janvier 2021) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Simulating the effect of flowering time on maize individual leaf area in contrasting environmental scenarios. Journal of Experimental Botany (Septembre 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- PUMA: PANDA Using MicroRNA Associations. Bioinformatics (Septembre 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- A systems genetics approach reveals environment-dependent associations between SNPs, protein co-expression and drought-related traits in maize. Genome Research (Septembre 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Concevoir et évaluer les maïs du futur. Perspectives Agricoles, n°480, p. 46-49, dossier « Innovation variétale : la force des partenariats de recherche » (Septembre 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- The Pitfalls of Heterosis Coefficients. Plants (Juillet 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Maize adaptation across temperate climates was obtained via expression of two florigen genes. PLoS Genetics (Juillet 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Accounting for group-specific allele effects and admixture in genomic predictions: theory and experimental evaluation in maize. Genetics (Juillet 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Revisiting hybrid breeding designs using genomic predictions: simulations highlight the superiority of incomplete factorials between segregating families over topcross designs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (Mars 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- CNVmap: A Method and Software To Detect and Map Copy Number Variants from Segregation Data. Genetics (Février 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Disentangling group specific QTL allele effects from genetic background epistasis using admixed individuals in GWAS: an application to maize flowering. PLOS Genetics (Décembre 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- High throughput genotyping of structural variations in a complex plant genome using an original Affymetrix® axiom® array. BMC Genomics (Novembre 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genomic prediction with a maize collaborative panel: identification of genetic resources to enrich elite breeding programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (Octobre 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genomic prediction of maize yield across European environmental scenarios. Nature Genetics (Juin 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genotyping-by-sequencing and SNP arrays are complementary for detecting quantitative trait loci by tagging different haplotypes in association studies. BMC Plant Biology (Mai 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- The use of thermal time in plant studies has a sound theoretical basis provided that confounding effects are avoided. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (Avril 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genetic and environmental dissection of biomass accumulation in multi-genotype maize canopies. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY (Avril 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Metabolomic characterization of sunflower leaf allows discriminating genotype groups or stress levels with a minimal set of metabolic markers. METABOLOMICS (Avril 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Training set optimization of genomic prediction by means of EthAcc. PLOS ONE (Février 2019) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Maize yields over Europe may increase in spite of climate change, with an appropriate use of the genetic variability of flowering time. PNAS (Octobre 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genomic selection efficiency and a priori estimation of accuracy in a structured dent maize panel. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (Octobre 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Metabotyping of 30 maize hybrids under early-sowing conditions reveals potential marker-metabolites for breeding. Metabolomics (Septembre 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- The Physiological Basis of Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants: A Scenario-Dependent Probabilistic Approach. Annual review of plant biology (Avril 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Sequence Analysis of European Maize Inbred Line F2 Provides New Insights Into Molecular and Chromosomal Characteristics of Presence/Absence Variants. BMC Genomics (Février 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Phenomics allows identification of genomic regions affecting maize stomatal conductance with conditional effects of water deficit and evaporative demand. Plant Cell Environment 41: 314-326 (Février 2018) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Predicting genomic selection efficiency to optimize calibration set and to assess prediction accuracy in highly structured populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (Novembre 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genotyping-by-sequencing highlights original diversity patterns within a European collection of 1191 maize flint lines, as compared to the maize USDA genebank. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, p 1–25 (Octobre 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Root Water Uptake and Ideotypes of the Root System: Whole-Plant Controls Matter. Vadose Zone Journal (Septembre 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Distinct controls of leaf widening and elongation by light and evaporative demand in maize. Plant Cell and Environment (Septembre 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Plant Phenomics, From Sensors to Knowledge. Current Biology (Août 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Predictable ‘meta-mechanisms’ emerge from feedbacks between transpiration and plant growth and cannot be simply deduced from short-term mechanisms. Plant Cell and Environment (Juin 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Independent introductions and admixtures have contributed to adaptation of European maize and its American counterparts. PLoS Genetics (Mars 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Signaling in Early Maize Kernel Development. Molecular Plant (Mars 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- General and specific combining abilities in a maize (Zea 1 mays L.) test-cross hybrid panel: relative importance of population structure and genetic divergence between parents. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Vol 130, Issue 2, p 403 – 417 (Février
- Estimation of the Relatedness Coefficients from Biallelic Markers, Application in Plant Mating Designs. Biometrics (Janvier 2017) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Association mapping for phenology and plant architecture in maize shows higher power for 4 developmental traits compared to growth influenced traits – Heredity (Novembre 2016) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Fortune telling: metabolic markers of plant performance. Metabolomics 12:158 (Septembre 2016) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Genome-wide analysis of yield in Europe: allelic effects as functions of drought and heat scenarios – Plant Phys (Juillet 2016) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Structured regularization for conditional Gaussian graphical models. Statistic and Computing, p 1 – 16 (Mai 2016) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Role of B3 domain transcription factors of the AFL family in maize kernel filling. Plant Science (Avril 2015) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Dent and Flint maize diversity panels reveal important genetic potential for increasing biomass production. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127:2313-2331. (Juin 2014) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Can current crop models be used in the phenotyping era for predicting the genetic variability of yield of plants subjected to drought or high temperature? Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 6179-6189. (Juin 2014) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Recovering power in association mapping panels with variable levels of linkage disequilibrium. Genetics (Mai 2014) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Transposable elements, a treasure trove to decipher epigenetic variation: insights from Arabidopsis and crop epigenomes. Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (10) : 2801-2812. (Avril 2014) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize. Genome Biology. Vol 14, Issue 9 – (Septembre 2013) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Gestion collective et droits dans les biotechnologies : une analyse économique. Revue Lamy Droit de l’Immatériel (pp. 131-38) – 2013
Outils informatiques :
- MM4LMM: Inference of Linear Mixed Models Through MM Algorithm – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- Relatedness: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Relatedness using EM Algorithm – EN SAVOIR PLUS
- CNVmap: A Method and Software To Detect and Map Copy Number Variants from Segregation Data. Genetics (Février 2020) – EN SAVOIR PLUS
Données :
Portail de données du projet, à consulter ici.
In fine, AMAZING aboutira :
- au développement d’un vaste ensemble de marqueurs moléculaires à partir du reséquençage de lignées et de l’exploration de l’épigenome.
- à la caractérisation des ressources génétiques cornées et dentées
- au développement de nouvelles méthodes de sélection telles que la sélection génomique
- à l’évaluation de l’efficacité d’utilisation de l’azote, de la tolérance à la sécheresse et aux températures basses
- à l’identification des principaux gènes ou régions génomiques qui contribuent à la tolérance aux stress et à l’hétérosis
- à la validation de nouvelles méthodes de sélection y compris le développement de caractères transgéniques) et des pratiques agricoles permettant de soutenir un changement de paradigme pour une production de maïs durable, en France et au-delà
- à l’amélioration d’une plate-forme de bioinformatique pour la génétique d’association et la découverte de facteurs génétiques contrôlant les caractères, et fournir ainsi aux sélectionneurs des outils d’aide à la décision, faciles d’utilisation.